Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Archive task

Archive Task

Archive Task -

Mine and Harry's music video is unlike no other, so I'm happy to say that is pretty original, no for this task there isn't really much we can look up as there are no other music videos like this.
So instead I looked up 'edits' of scootering which is probably as close as I am going to get in terms of finding a video that is close to our own.
As me and Harry both do scootering it was pretty easy to make our music video ideas and pretty easy to find inspiration for what we wanted to do.

Example 1:
                   - The Brendon Smith Video -
                                                                  This is my first example and it is one of the edits that inspired me, the video ends up being 12 minuets in length. The song's choices are Lights by Ellie Goulding and Power by Kanye West, so the songs are pretty chilled out compared to the song that we are using in our video.

Example 2:
                  - Jake Clark AOS V3 Deck Promo -
                                                                            For my second example I have chosen a video that is a little different, a deck promo which is basically the rider promoting his product (the deck) and showing off what he can do with it.
The song is a lot like the song we used (dub-step) the song is 'Nina Simone - Feeling Good (Bassnectar Remix), this inspired me as the song choice is similar.

Example 3:
                  - Matty Ceravolo - Day in the Life -
                                                                           For my final example I have used this video because it is a video about what happens over the course of a day in this one guys life (: gets up, has breakfast, goes out, rides, etc), I have chosen this because this is sort of the same concept as our video as it tells the sort of a day with our main character (Harry), although there are similarities there is no song used in this day in the life that is the main difference.

6. charity research

The Make-A-Wish Foundation is a 501 non-profit organization founded in the United States that arranges experiences to children with life-threatening medical conditions. if i was to choose this to do the animation on my idea would be to have a child at her or his window on there knees making a wish, and then a shooting star comes past and then make a wish logo following it.

source - http://www.make-a-wish.org.uk/

Cancer research is basic research into cancer in order to identify causes and develop strategies for prevention, diagnosis, treatments and cure. If i were to do an animation on this i would have the cancer research logo and then a pen would cross out the letter 'R' and then it would be replaced with the letter 'L' making it cancel as if to say cancel cancer.

source - http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/

BBC Children in Need is the BBC's UK charity. Since 1980 it has raised over £600 million to change the lives of disabled children and young people in the UK. If i were to do a animation on this charity i would do it so there is a child in a dark corner crying and then 'Pudsy' the bear (children in need bear) would go to the boy or girl and they would hug the bear and it would light up, and the darkness would go away. 

source - http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/childreninneed

ChildLine is a free 24 hour counselling service for children and young people up to their 19th birthday in the UK provided by the NSPCC. If i were to do my animation on this charity i would have a young child in a corner crying as his parents argue and then the phone rings and each ring it spreads more light until the boy's parents stop arguing the it is no longer dark, as the phone from the logo which is child-line has made his life better.

source - http://www.childline.org.uk/Pages/Home.aspx

Alzheimer’s Society is a  United Kingdom care and research charity for people with dementia and their carers. If i was to do an animation on this charity i would first have a slogan come up saying 'Alzheimer's the charity you'll never forget' and then an elephant would blow water on the logo as elephants have a reputation to never forget.

source - http://www.alzheimers.org.uk/

my final choice - as i have to pick one for my idea to do as an animation for charity, i would most likely do the make a wish animation, as i believe what they do as a charity is really heart warming and amazing, how they give sick children a chance to live there dream, and how they give them hope where they think there is none, as i said i would most likely do a child wishing upon a star which turns out to be the make a wish foundation logo.

Monday, 2 June 2014

36. self assessment of powerpoint and client feedback

I feel i met the client brief because when we spoke about what improvements that could be made to it, i feel i have made those improvements and included some factors that make our ident better, the first one being corporate identity theory, the corporate identity theory is used in our ident as the certain shade of purple that is the E4 logo colour and various other things that make up E4, in out our ident we had the rocket that flew out the shade of purple and we also had the planet that the rocket lands on the shade of purple, we have done this so that people recognize our ident to resemble to E4. We then had to focus on out target audience, the target audience for E4 is 16 to 34 year olds therefor in our ident we agreed a good theme would be space as it would entertain all the ages and still be comical depending on what we include around it, for example in our ident we did a man flying to a planet which is the E4 logo, which is plain a simple and the target audience could enjoy it. We then discussed about remodeling some of the props as they were not at a good standard, we did then redo most of the props to improve the ident and make it more professional, for example we had to remake the model rocket as the size of it did not match the size of the character so therefore we had to resize it to match the size of the character, for the character we used a lego figure as its easy to use and make it look like he is moving, we also discussed this as its the easiest thing to make it look like its actually moving, we then made the planet to a usable size, so not to big but the right size so that the lego figure could fit on, we agreed clay was the best thing to use as we could mould all the things we wanted such as the planet the e4 logo the space theme and even the planet, this did work really well in our ident and i think it was very successful, as for the other scenery we just drew it in on a board to make it look like a forest. finally we discussed the camera and how we would position it, obviously we used a tripod to keep the same position the whole time so that it looks like the lego figure is actually moving, and we used a standard HD camera to get the good quality pictures so it doesn't look too bad, overall the ident turned out successfully thanks to these features being changed.

storyboard (final music video)

clearance letter (music video)

clearance letter (test music video)

production log

Production Log

The production log is basically what we did to create our music video, and the order we did them in. I would say that the process of creating our music video was pretty smooth as the paperwork was all done in order and was all in on the deadline.

Stage one -
                  What me and Harry did first was to finish the drafts for the music video, this is the stuff like the story boards, etc. This gave me and Harry a clear idea on what we wanted to do. The concept of our idea is basically about a boy who gets bullied, but ends up finding himself when he gets on his scooter, and then becomes friends with the bully at the end.
When the storyboard was done with our main focus was the casing, obviously we needed a few others to star in our music video, so we found a few friends who we could cast in our music video, this is the whole idea of the casting. So in the first stage we finished our story board and the casting list for our music video.

Stage two -
                 In the second stage we finished :
                                                                   - Crew Roles
                                                                   - Artist Case studies
                                                                   - Filming Permission
                                                                   - Clearance letter
                                                                   - Script
                                                                   - All of these pieces of work were created within a week, these pieces of work were to do with the setting up of the music and setting we were doing the music video in. They were done in the order as shown above, this was also smooth as we had no troubles whilst creating this pieces of work.

Stage three -
                   Stage three was the production phase :
                                                                               - Risk assessment
                                                                               - Shot list
                                                                               - Equipment / Props list
                                                                               - Location Reece
                                                                               - Track choice and analysis
                                                                               - Shooting script
                                                                               - Case studies
                                                                               - Call list
                                                                               - This was the end of the production phase of our music video, the pieces above were done in the order as shown above. This was the end to the lead up to creating our music video.

The filming / editing stage -
                                            This was when we began to film out music video over the course of a whole day, the editing took a little longer as we had to add transitions and special effects by using 'abobe premier pro' and 'adobe after effects' :
                                                                     - Final Edit
                                                                     - Final music video
                                                                     - After this stage there was still more work to be done, the build up work that we had decided to leave till after we finished our own music video, so we would have a better insight to what we had to do :
                                                                   - Advertising in music videos
                                                                   - Meaning in music videos
                                                                   - Single shot camera analysis
                                                                   - Music video styles
                                                                   - Music video purposes
                                                                   - These were the final pieces of work for the unit about creating our own music video, there was another one or two pieces of work that I may of missed or left out but that is because they were not as important as these pieces of work.


During the process of my music video the planning and research went very well, as a result of this the music video turned out exactly as planned and was a success, during the planning we made sure that everything was prepared for when we were ready to shoot, for example we done a location rec. to make sure that the location we were filming was appropriate and to know where we were going to be filming so that when it came to the time of filming the video we were prepared and already have knowledge of where we are going to film, we also done a props list to ensure we knew exactly what props we needed and how much they would cost, we also did a cast list to plan who was playing which role, finally we did a production schedule to know what scene involves what so that when the time of making the video came we knew what to do. overall out group worked really well together as everyone put in equally as much work to get an overall success as i think the video turned out really well.

33. power point bibliography