The BBC's six public purposes are set out by the Royal Charter and Agreement, the constitutional basis for the BBC as presented to Parliament.
These purposes outline the values the BBC holds when striving to achieve its mission to inform, educate and entertain.
The BBC exists to serve the public, and its mission is to inform, educate and entertain. The BBC Trust is the governing body of the BBC, and we make sure the BBC delivers that mission
BBC trust.
Led by the Chairman Lord Patten, and consisting of 12 Trustees, the Trust is the guardian of licence fee revenue and of the public interest in the BBC.
The Trust is separate from the Executive Board which is led by the Director-General. The Executive Board is responsible for the operational delivery of BBC services and the direction of BBC editorial and creative output in line with the framework set by the Trust.
Our job is to get the best out of the BBC for licence fee payers.
We set the strategic objectives for the BBC. We have challenged the BBC to:
- increase the distinctiveness and quality of output;
- improve the value for money provided to licence fee payers;
- set new standards of openness and transparency; and
- do more to serve all audiences.
We issue a service licence to every BBC service stating what we expect it to deliver and how much it can spend. We set the BBC’s editorial guidelines and protect the BBC’s independence. We monitor performance to ensure that the BBC provides value for money while staying true to its public purposes.
Here you can find out more about us, the decisions we have made and the way that we govern the BBC. Let us know if you have any feedback and comments.
executive board and senior management
The Executive Board manages the BBC. It is responsible for operational management and for the delivery of BBC services according to the plans that have been agreed with the BBC Trust.
The Board delegates some of its responsibilities to four subcommittees: Audit, Fair Trading, Nominations and Remuneration.
It is also supported by a number of management groups, including the BBC Management Board, the Finance and Business committee, and boards at the Group level, such as Television and Radio. The boards of BBC Commercial Holdings and BBC Worldwide support the Executive Board on commercial matters.
The BBC Trust assesses the performance of the Executive Board in the Annual Report, which is published in July each year. The Report also includes the Board's own review of the year.
The Board is made up of executive directors from within the BBC and 4 non-executive directors from outside. It is chaired by the Director-General.
are the BBC Purposes and how are they delivered?
The BBC's six public purposes are set out by the Royal Charter and Agreement, the constitutional basis for the BBC as presented to Parliament.
These purposes outline the values the BBC holds when striving to achieve its mission to inform, educate and entertain.
will the BBC ensure they are delivering value to all audiences?
You can trust the BBC to provide high-quality news, current affairs and factual programming that keeps you informed and supports debate about important issues and political developments in an engaging way. You can look to the BBC for help in using and understanding different kinds of media.
how the BBC represents the UK, its nations, regions and communities
What is the TV License and who
pays it?
Everyone in the UK who watches or records TV programmes at the same as they are shown on TV needs to be covered by a TV licence. This includes TVs, computers, mobile phones, games consoles, digital boxes and DVD/VHS recorders.
The Government sets the level of the licence fee. In January 2007 the licence fee was agreed for a six-year period with the amount being approved each year by Parliament. More recently the Government decided to freeze the licence fee at its 2010 level of £145.50 until the end of the current BBC Charter period in 2016.
How is this money used?
Between 1 April 2012 and 31 March 2013 the cost was £145.50 – the equivalent of £12.13 per month or just under 40p per day.The BBC used its income from the licence fee to pay for its TV, radio and online services, plus other costs, as shown below.
for and against the license fee
a reason for the liecence fee is that, on bbc channels specifically, by paying a licence fee there are no adverts, this is beneficial as when watching your favorite bbc channel you may not enjoy watching adverts in-between shows, but buy paying the license fee the only thing bbc will advertise is their own channels. however a against is that if you a signed to another tv channel like sky then you are paying twice as much, this is a negative as you are automatically paying a tv license fee, but for example if you are to have sky you will be paying for that on top of what you have already paid for the tv license fee.
BBC visit
as a class we had a visit to the BBC broadcasting house, we received a tour of the BBC and we visited where the news was filmed where i learned that they have every important persons life on track in case any of them died, we then went to the ONE show studio, and learned that its a alot smaller than it looks, we then went to the a building where we leaned of the history of the BBC and the theater, and during that we learned abut the radio and how they make the sound effects, we also did a news broadcast ourselves and learned how the green screen worked.
When we went to the BBC we went into see where the one show gets shot and we got to see what type of things happen behind the scenes and what types of cameras they use. We also found out that they have a separate entrance for any guest stars that come onto the show.
This part of the trip was when we visited the BBC Drama department when a few of the students took to the mics and spoke a part of a drama.
When we went to the BBC trip a few students had a go a presenting a small video of presenting the news to the rest of the class in a small area as you can see in these two pictures to the side which show two students doing the most of the talking and then the other student presenting the weather forecast.
When we went to the BBC trip a few students had a go a presenting a small video of presenting the news to the rest of the class in a small area as you can see in these two pictures to the side which show two students doing the most of the talking and then the other student presenting the weather forecast.
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