Thursday, 11 September 2014

ideas mind map *5

idea 1
my first idea would be on the charity 'make a wish foundation', when doing this idea my animation would have a child at his or hers window making a wish before bed, when she is making a wish on her knees a shooting star flies past in the sky, the shooting star will have the 'make a wish foundation' logo following the shooting star.

idea 2
my second idea would be on the charity 'cancer research', my idea would be to have the logo pop up on and then the 'R' is then crossed off and replaced with the letter 'L' once this is done the word will then say cancel the idea is that it implies to cancel cancer and then a happy face will then come up below it.

idea 3
my third idea would be on the charity 'children in need' my idea would be to have a young child in a dark corner crying and then 'Pudsy' the bear (children in need bear) would go to the boy or girl and they would hug the bear and it would light up, and the darkness would go away, saying that the charity brigs light and happiness to young children.

idea 4
my fourth idea would be on on the charity 'child-line' my animation on this charity  would have a young child in a corner crying as his parents argue and then the phone rings and each ring it spreads more light until the boy's parents stop arguing the it is no longer dark, as the phone from the logo which is child-line has made his life better.

idea 5
mi fifth and final idea would be on the charity 'Alzheimer’s Society' if was to do an animation on this charity i would first have a slogan come up saying 'Alzheimer's the charity you'll never forget' and then an elephant would blow water on the logo as elephants have a reputation to never forget.

My final choice 
as i have to pick one for my idea to do as an animation for charity, i would most likely do the make a wish animation, as i believe what they do as a charity is really heart warming and amazing, how they give sick children a chance to live there dream, and how they give them hope where they think there is none, as i said i would most likely do a child wishing upon a star which turns out to be the make a wish foundation logo.

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