Wednesday, 22 April 2015

prop design

For our animation we'll be using different types of props. But one we'll be using more than the others.


We'll be using clay the most as we're using it to help create our set. We'll also be using it to help create our characters, as we feel we'll get a better result by moulding our characters together. We'll be using different colours of clay as well because we'll need to create the different coloured scenery's with the clay such as: Blue for the water of the lake, green for the grass and other colours for the characters.


We won't be using lego that much as we only have to Build a car and a table for the hospital room. We will need to use white blocks of lego so it matches the walls of the hospital room.


We'll be using cardboard as the base of our animation as we'll only be using it to make the outline of our set. We decided to use cardboard for the base of our animation because; it's easy to get hold of and it's easy to attach together.

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